8th AUGUST 2024

Power to Start Over Again



Memorial of Saint Dominic


Jer 31: 31-34              Ps 51: 12-15, 18-19                Mt 16: 13-23


The reading from Jeremiah today, offers hope to all of us, as it did to the people in exile. It promises the restoration of Israel and the healing of the people’s incurable wound of their sinfulness. The result of which, the people will know God and his intimate, reciprocal relationship and covenant. We see these promises fulfilled in today’s gospel, when Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” Peter proclaims the mystery of Christ’s divinity, as the head and spokesperson of the Church. Peter sees Jesus as the awaited Messiah, the King of Israel. His confession was inspired by the Father. Jesus consecrates Peter as the Church’s chief teacher, whose office will continue on through successors, and is given the power to forgive the sins.

Though Peter received the blessing, he had to undergo purification through suffering. We see this when Jesus rebukes him, when Peter’s natural instincts object to a suffering Messiah. Jesus says to him, “Get behind me Satan.” This statement must have been very painful for Peter and yet it was necessary. Here begins the purification of Peter, which lasts until he is gripped by the Holy Spirit and walks the path that Jesus himself walked. It happens also to us in our spiritual journey when we encounter unexpected suffering. How do we respond to this suffering? If we embrace them, the cross will bring resurrection in our lives or else we will be blinded by our human weakness and hinder our own spiritual growth.

Suffering is a shortcut to heaven and we see the proof of this in the lives of the saints. Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Dominic. He fought against the heresy of Albigensians; he withdrew into the forest, he fasted and made harsh penances to seek divine help. It is at this time, he received the Most Holy Rosary from the Blessed Virgin Mary as a powerful means of converting the Albigensians and other sinners. His preaching bore fruit with astonishing miracles and conversions.

Response: Create a pure heart for me, O God.

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