17th AUGUST 2024

August 18, 2012 (Matthew 19:13-15) "Let the Little Children come to Me" -  osa-seminarians reflection



Ez 18: 1-10, 13, 30-32                        Ps 51:12-15,18-19                  Mt 19: 13-15



The Gospel today is very brief: only three verses. Children were insignificant in society. This was different than the laws of purity where it was important to avoid their getting close to Jesus and touching Him. It already had happened one time, when a leper touched Jesus. Jesus became unclean, impure and could no longer enter the city. He had to remain in deserted places (Mk 1:4-45). But, Jesus accepts and defends the children. Jesus reproved the disciples. He does not care about transgressing the norms which prevent fraternity and acceptance to be given to the little ones. The new experience of God the Father has marked the life of Jesus and gives Him new eyes to perceive and to value the relationships among people. Jesus gets on the side of the little ones, of the excluded, and takes on their defence.

Jesus’ joy is great when He sees that the children, the little ones, understand the things of the Kingdom which He announced to the people. Jesus recognizes that the little ones understand more about the things of the Kingdom than the doctors! Jesus embraces the little ones and identifies Himself with them. Anyone who accepts a little one accepts Jesus (Mk 9:37). Jesus asks His disciples to become like children and to accept the Kingdom as children do. Without this, it is impossible to enter the Kingdom (Lk 9:46-48). It indicates that the children are teachers of the adults. That was not normal. We are accustomed to the contrary.

In blessing the children, Jesus also affirms their inherent worth and dignity. In a society where children were often overlooked or undervalued, Jesus demonstrates God’s special concern for the least among them. This act serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to nurture, protect, and advocate for the well-being of children, ensuring that they are valued and respected members of our communities.


Response: Create a pure heart for me, O God.

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