24th AUGUST 2024

John 1:34-51 | Free Grace Bible Study - Free Grace International



Feast of Apostle Bartholomew


Rv 21: 9-14                 Ps 145: 10-13, 17-18              Jn 1: 45-51


We are likely to see what we are looking for. It is the case of Nathanael, one of the original twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, whose feast we celebrate today. This is surely one of the fascinating accounts in the Bible that is quite interesting and inspiring: a dramatic encounter between Nathanael and Jesus. Nathaniel, a Hebrew name, meaning “God has given.” Since Nathanael was eagerly awaiting the Messiah, God in fact, grants what his heart has been longing for.

Jesus knew Nathanael: Perhaps it was Nathanael’s routine to pray and meditate under a fig tree. So, “under the fig tree” was an expression of expectation as the fig tree was symbolically connected to the coming messianic era (Mic. 4:4). So, it makes sense that Philip goes to Nathanael to tell him he had found the Messiah for he knew that Nathanael was eagerly awaiting the Messiah.

A Person of Integrity: This is surely the greatest praise we would be delighted to receive from God. Surely Jesus knew that Nathanael had been waiting for a day to encounter the Messiah. Now Nathanael realizes that Jesus has seen into his innermost longings and takes this as a divine sign. The response from Nathanael is spontaneous. One thing is certain, those who sincerely long for God, become people of depth and integrity, and in such people there cannot be any malice.

The Past is accidental, future is essential: Nathanael’s presence with other disciples at the Sea of Galilee after Jesus’ resurrection suggests that he was one of the original Twelve (Jn 21:2) and a witness to the resurrection. Nathanael witnessed to what he had earlier professed in words who Jesus was: the divine Son of God, the King of Israel. Spiritual experience on earth is a gift God gives to all those who seek him with undivided heart.

Response: Your saints, O Lord, make known the glory of your reign.

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