1st SEPTEMBER 2024

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Dt 4:1-2, 6-8            Ps 15:2-5           Jas 1:17-22, 27           Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23


In a bustling city, a young boy Luca noticed an elderly homeless man sitting alone on a cold bench. Moved by compassion, Luca approached him and offered him his jacket to keep him warm. “Why are you being so kind to me?” the man asked, surprised by Luca’s gesture. With a smile, Luca replied, “My mom always says that when we love others, especially those in need, we show our love for God too.” The man’s eyes filled with gratitude as Luca’s simple act of kindness warmed their hearts that cold afternoon. This shows how a child’s understanding of loving his neighbour is rooted in his love for God, echoing the teaching to love one another as God loves us. According to Catholic theology, God gave us the commandments as a set of rules to help us live by His will and the will of others. They serve as reminders of God’s love for us, pointing us away from sin and toward a life of virtue. Jesus condensed the law into two major precepts: loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving our neighbour as ourselves.

Love for God: Christian faith is based God’s love. A deep and unwavering love, it is exemplified by the gift of Jesus Christ, who gave His life to save humanity. Through prayer and the sacraments, believers are encouraged to enter into a personal connection with God where they might experience His forgiveness and mercy. God’s love is more than just feelings; it has the ability to change Christians into more kind and understanding individuals. It is a love that promises an everlasting relationship with God in paradise, extending beyond this life. Catholics are expected to respond to this love by embodying the commands to love God with all of one’s heart, soul, mind, and strength. Therefore, the love of God is a transformational summon to discipleship and world service.

Love of Neighbour: Abiding by the commandments is a manifestation of love for both God and people, not just a matter of compliance. Firstly, God gave the commandments as a sign of his love, and they show His knowledge and concern for the welfare of humankind. They are manifestations of His wisdom that lead us to coexist peacefully with one another and His heavenly design. Secondly, the commandments provide a foundation for moral behaviour. They set explicit guidelines, forbidding deeds like lying, stealing and adultery; encouraging virtues like integrity, faithfulness, and respect for life. By encouraging fairness, harmony, and respect for human dignity, these rules not only promote personal integrity but also benefit society as a whole. Living the commandments is a dynamic process that involves constant conversion and holiness growth. It necessitates introspection, confession, and a commitment to consistently adjusting one’s life to conform to God’s desire. When one fails to obey the commandments, they can seek forgiveness and reconciliation with God and the Church through the sacrament of Reconciliation. Through the commandments Catholics strive to grow closer to God, contributing to common good, and bearing witness to God’s love in the world. Abiding by the commandments is linked to grace, which is received through the sacraments like Baptism and Confirmation. This grace empowers believers to live to live God’s commandments, helping them to resist temptation, develop virtue, and seek pardon when they fall short. Obeying the commandments acknowledges God’s power and wisdom, which is based on a love-trust relationship. The sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Reconciliation, foster love for God and obedience, strengthening moral lives and abstinence from sin. Living out the love of God and neighbour involves a holistic approach to faith and action. It begins with nurturing a deep relationship with God through prayer, Scripture, and participation in the sacraments of the Church. Love of neighbour entails actively seeking opportunities to serve and care for others. This could be through acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion towards those who are marginalized, suffering, or in need. Let us Pray for God’s assistance in living out His commandments.


Response: O Lord, who may abide in your tent? 

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