Memorial of Saint Gregory the Great
1 Cor 2: 10-16 Ps 145: 8-14 Lk 4: 31-37
Amazement and astonishment are natural reactions when we see something extraordinary. In the gospel passage, we see firstly, the people are amazed at the knowledge of Jesus and secondly, they were astonished at the power of his command and the miracles. Jesus was teaching in the synagogue and after that, he healed a man who had an evil spirit.
Fear and courage, Darkness and light, good and evil can never walk together. In the same way, God and Satan cannot coexist. Naturally, when the evil spirit saw Jesus, it began to scream at the top of his voice, what have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? The evil spirit knew very well that, it would not be able to withstand Him. Because the Devil is the master of lies and the king of darkness, the spirit cannot stand before Jesus the master of truth and the prince, and the light of the world. When we allow Jesus to take possession of our lives he will drive the power of evil, and their manifestations like anger, jealousy, pride, revenge, immorality, slander, lying, foul talk etc. (Col 3:5-10).
The first reading admonishes us to listen to the promptings Spirit of God who is within us, rather than the great noise outside us. The wisdom that we receive from the Spirit is far greater and more profitable than the knowledge which we receive from the world. When we are distanced from God, the promptings of the Spirit seem like foolishness and we find them difficult to follow, and then the evil powers dominate within us and we are led by them to walk in the knowledge of the world. How can the devil allow us to escape his snares?
Let us distinguish between the good and bad, what is worldly and what is heavenly, what comes from the power of the devil and what comes from the power of the Spirit of God. So, that we may always be able to seek the true wisdom which will lead us to God.
Response: The Lord is just in all his ways.
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