1 Cor 4: 1-5 Ps 37: 3-6, 27-28, 39-40 Lk 5: 33-39
In today’s first reading, we see Paul warning the Corinthian community about judgment and stewardship. We often pass judgment on other people. It seems to be part of our human nature. The scripture in many places strongly warns us about this attitude. Paul says “I do not even pass judgment on myself”. If we could simply allow others to be responsible for themselves and presume they are sincere and doing their best, we could free ourselves of the tremendous weight we often carry within. Saint Therese says “Charity lies in thinking good about others, to not be surprised by their faults, but to rejoice in their virtues.”
Is It really so important that we worry about what others are saying about us? People are free to mention our name and make comments if they like, and we don’t have a right to inquire what is being said, or to make them stop. In regard to discussing others and being discussed ourselves, we could find a whole lot of inner peace if we would simply be true to ourselves as true stewards of God. Paul tells us, that God is the only judge we have and God judges only after looking into the heart. Each one of us is invited today to be true and trustworthy stewards of the mysteries of God and be accountable to God for the treasures He has put into our hearts to grow in holiness, for that is the greatest gift we can give to God and to the church.
Saint Therese says “Holiness consists in a disposition of the heart, which places us in the arms of God, little and humble, conscious of our weakness and trusting blindly in his Fatherly goodness”. I am sure all of us have experienced the goodness of God in and through Jesus his beloved son. When Jesus is with us there is no question of “Fasting” but we need to purify ourselves of the old wine – our bad habits and put on the new garments – the values of Christ, thus to be joyful always as His true and faithful disciples.
Response: From the Lord comes the salvation of the just.
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