1 Cor 4: 6-15 Ps 145: 17-21 Lk 6: 1-5
Man in his natural state, which is without the influence of grace, seeks to become great by every possible means, by his wealth and above all by his reputation. He wants to hold high places in the esteem of his friends – he would like everyone to have the same high opinion of him that he has of himself. Thus it is why, the ambitious go to such extreme lengths to obtain titles, posts, and honours that will raise them above ordinary people. This is what happened in the early Christian community at Corinth.
Paul feels that the divisions in the Corinthian community are an attack on his own authority. There was rivalry between the followers of Paul and Apollos who was evidently a more eloquent speaker than Paul. Paul faces the issue honestly but also evangelically; He writes a very personal letter to the community that he cherishes; he lays claim to a privileged relationship with the Corinthians as many zealous pastors. But he reminds himself of the essentials every honest pastor must have. Paul is very conscious that pastors themselves may be the source of disunity in a community. He reminds himself and all pastors that they are merely stewards of the Lord.
In the Gospel, the newness that Jesus brings about leads to a reversal of values. This affects even the most sacred law for the Jews, the Sabbath rest. Jesus with the Father’s vision, sees every law in the context of human need. The Mosaic Law prohibited work on the Sabbath so that the day could be dedicated to God. In the time of Jesus, Jewish legal casuistry had reinforced this law with a multitude of legalities to define what ‘work’ meant. The Pharisees object to the disciples plucking the ears of corn. Jesus’ defense is not based on the enunciation of a different moral principle, but His defense is based on Who He is. Jesus ‘the son of man’ is master even of the Sabbath. He is free to act according to His good judgment.
Response: The Lord is close to all who call him.
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