26th SEPTEMBER 2024

Saturday, 17th Week in Ordinary Time August 3, 2024 - Institute of Charity



Eccl 1: 2-11                Ps 90: 3-6, 12-14, 17              Lk 9: 7-9



In all the Gospels we read and heard, that many religious leaders, common people, as well as citizens of other nations came to see Jesus. All of them had their own desires and intentions to seek Him, some to get healed, some to know about the kingdom of God, some to have clarity on the Law and its regulations, and some to fill their stomach and fulfil their personal intentions. But only a few of them were blessed by the Lord, because they genuinely came to seek Jesus, as the only Son of God, God Himself. Then what about the others?

There were like, Herod the Tetrarch, who just desired to see a person who was known for His performance. Being Christians, we often try to seek Jesus, like the Herod, just for our sense gratification. We follow the crowd, which always seeks, not the Living Lord but the Giving Lord. This means, a lack of desire to make Jesus as my priority and to seek only the miracles in my life. Being entitled as a Baptized Christian (Catholic), how are we really imitating Jesus Christ our Saviour? Attending Sunday mass as an obligation, does it make me a really true Christian? Or by attending all the devotions and novenas, do I become a true follower of Christ?

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me (Jn 15:4). The early church always practised the teachings of Jesus and His apostles, and remained close to the Most Holy Eucharistic Celebration, and then they tried to imitate Jesus with all their heart. Though they too were busy in this world of business, their true Love for their God was of first and utmost priority. Today who is my priority? Do I seek a Living God or a giving god? Being a true Christian, my attitude should not be like Herod’s but rather, like that true and genuine believer of Christ.


Response: O Lord, you have been our refuge, from generation to generation.

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