3rd OCTOBER 2024

My Reflections...: Reflection for September 30, Thursday Memorial of Saint  Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church: Luke 10:1-12



Jb 19: 21-27               Ps 27: 7-9, 13-14                    Lk 10: 1-12




In our day to day activities, we cannot live without thinking, planning and making proper decisions. Only then are we able to have a proper lifestyle. No one just wakes up, and jumps into their activities. That could lead to an utter failure in life. Living an examined life is true wisdom. In today’s readings, we find God inviting us to have this true wisdom so that we become worthy followers of Jesus, His beloved Son and become His beloved sons and daughters.


In the first reading, we see the mind and feelings of Job. Despite all pain and suffering that he undergoes, he deeply resolved to trust God’s righteousness. Even in the midst of serious disasters, including the tragic death of all his children, Job didn’t lose his confidence in God. He continued to take the same stand even when he was inflicted by sores and condemned by his own friends. His proclamation “in my flesh I shall see God” reflects his profound belief in his eventual restoration and redemption.


In the gospel passage, Jesus sends seventy two of his disciples ahead of him, to proclaim the Kingdom of God. Jesus instructs them not to take anything with them, rather to trust the providence of God. They only needed to focus on their mission and not in their needs, which would be taken care by God. If they failed to have total focus on the proclamation of the Word, their mission would be a failure and in no way they could be ambassadors of Jesus their Master. They were to trust God, not only for the benefits they receive, but also every eventuality, even if were troublesome. Jesus not only sends his disciples but also tells them to pray to God to send more labourers. It is also our duty as Christians to be true labourers in the vineyard of the Lord. We cannot work only for our own salvation but work together so as to enter heaven together as brothers and sisters.


Response: I believe I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living.

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