Phil 2: 5-11 Ps 22: 26-32 Lk 14: 15-24
Today’s responsorial psalm praises God, honours Him. The psalmist rightly understands that he is but a creature – one who has received all from His wonderful Lord to whom alone all praise belongs. And even before the psalmist could shape this attitude within himself, the Lord Jesus has done so by consenting to the plan of Abba Father to become flesh and come as man; to relinquish all glory that was His as God and to accept to be a creature giving glory only and above all to God. This was where our first parents failed. They sought their pleasure, their glory before God’s and denied His first invitation to have an eternal banquet in Eden.
Today’s readings are a mirror to us – showing us our life. Where are we? In our day to day lives, we make umpteen choices and how do we make them? Often, we could be on auto gear – allowing the pleasure, the convenience, the glamour of the moment to entice us and lure us away. All those allurements would seem most legitimate to a person of the world. How could one think of leaving these to enjoy an eternal banquet which will never end? Is this an impractical demand?
A banquet is a call to an intimate relationship with God before anything or anyone else. Nothing can come before Him and when I an invited one, a chosen one of the Lord refuse, then my Lord has to turn to the highways to call those He had not intended to invite to partake of His love.
The world keeps offering us power, prestige, honour and tells us they are the most important in our lives – whom shall we obey? Jesus obeyed God His Father because He had tasted His love. Though it cost Him all, He knew God was supreme, His love was more alluring than anything in the world. Shall we ask Jesus at every Eucharist to give us His mind and His heart that we too like Him may know our GOD and taste His love and accept the rest that He offers us in all our labours for Him.
Response: You are my praise, Lord, in the great assembly
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