1 Jn 4: 11-18 Ps 72: 1-2, 10, 12-13 Mk 6: 45-52
The word “abide” is used six times in today’s reading. To abide in Christ means to remain in spiritual unity with Him, ensuring that no sin separates us from His presence. As children of God, we share a profound union with Christ. However, it is through trusting Him and obeying His commandments that we enter into true communion with Him. There is a divine fragrance about God. It is the fragrance of His love. When God enters our lives, this fragrance becomes part of us. If we make time to dwell in His presence, we will become deeply aware of His love and His abiding nearness.
In the storms of life, Jesus always comes to us. He may not come at the time we expect, but He comes at the moment we need Him most. Just as He walked on water to reach His disciples during their time of fear, so too does He come to us amidst the raging seas of our difficulties. Illness, loss, financial struggles—these challenges, though overwhelming, often become opportunities for Jesus to draw closer to us. The waves represent our trials, but they also serve as the means by which Jesus teaches and strengthens us. Our struggles become God’s entry point into our hearts. However, until we invite Jesus to step into our boat and take control of the oars of our lives, we will remain at the mercy of the storm.
When life’s storms have blown us off course, we can find solace in knowing that Jesus is walking toward us, ready to calm the chaos. Even when we feel we cannot reach Him, He reaches us. He leaves the mountain, steps onto the waves, and comes to us with His fragrance of love to still the storms and bring us peace. Let us take heart in this truth: Jesus does not abandon us in our struggles. Instead, He uses them to remind us of His abiding presence and perfect love. May we trust Him to lead us through every storm, allowing His fragrance to fill our lives.
Response: All nations on earth shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord.
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