Heb 11: 1-2, 8-19 Lk 1: 69-75 Mk 4: 35-41
Fear is perhaps the most prevalent of all unpleasant emotions, an experience that no one wishes to endure. It diminishes our capacity for rational thought, making it difficult to act in ways that align with our true values and beliefs. However, the liturgy today reminds us that our faith in God has the potential to conquer every form of fear; it acts as a guiding light, helping us navigate through darkness and uncertainty.
Abraham, the father of faith, exemplifies a life defined by unwavering trust in God. His journey began when God called him to leave his homeland and venture into an unknown nation among unfamiliar people. By this act of obedience, Abraham was not merely following a command; he was responding to a divine promise that he would become the progenitor of a great nation and a source of blessing for many. Abraham’s faith was further tested when God commanded him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, on Mount Moriah. This challenge revealed the depth of Abraham’s trust in God; he believed that even if he were to carry out this heartbreaking act, God had the power to resurrect Isaac (Gen 22). As he journeyed to the altar, Abraham’s faith remained steadfast, demonstrating that he would not allow fear to overshadow his commitment to God. He reassured his servants, stating, “We will worship and then come back to you,” indicating his firm belief in God’s promise (Gen 22:5).
Sarah, too, played a crucial role in this narrative of faith. Despite being well beyond childbearing age, she believed in God’s promise that she would bear a son. Her faith overcame her fears and doubts, leading to the miraculous birth of Isaac. This shared journey of faith between Abraham and Sarah highlights the strength found in trusting God’s promises against all odds. Their example stands as a testimony, where there is faith, there is no fear, for faith overcomes every fear.
Response: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited his people.
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