3rd FEBRUARY 2025

Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon - Gospelimages



Heb 11: 32-40            Ps 31: 20-24               Mk 5: 1-20


The story of salvation recording in the Scriptures is filled with episodes of God intervening in human affairs through individuals empowered to defeat His enemies and those who oppose His people. The first reading gives us some examples from the Old Testament. However, God sometimes allows His people to endure hardships and persecution; some faced “jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment” (Heb 11:36), to make them examples of faith to the world. Today, we are invited to be strong and take heart in times of struggle, resting our hope in Him, knowing that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” (Rom 8:28).

The Good News of salvation represents God’s decisive intervention in the world through Jesus, the Word made flesh. Through the mystery of the Incarnation, God embraces the whole of creation. The Word takes on our weak flesh to defeat the enemies of humanity. The gospel can be seen in the light of this battle where God conquers the powers of the Evil one. When Jesus proclaims that the Kingdom of God is near, He refers to a new reign initiated by His presence and power.

In every personal encounter the Lord reveals His love and mercy. The Gospel passage begins with Jesus proclaiming the end of the era of Satan. When He invites us to repent, He calls us to turn to Him and live by His spirit of freedom. Humans are not meant to be bound or tormented; Jesus commands evil spirits out of those possessed because we are meant to be temples of the Holy Spirit. Our bondage to sensual pleasure also requires redemption. The story of Jesus restoring a demon-possessed man teaches that true freedom is essential for enjoying life in God. Once liberated, we are called to be authentic apostles, proclaiming that genuine salvation comes only from God.


Response: Be strong, let your heart take courage, all who hope in the Lord.

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