Memorial of Saint John Britto
Heb 12: 1-4 Ps 22: 26-28, 30-32 Mk 5: 21-43
Faith is an essential part of the human experience, whether it is faith in a person or the tools he/she has created. Without some level of faith, it would be impossible to live. How would one travel without faith in the modes of transport and those who drive them? How would one be cured of any kind of illness, if there is a lack of faith in the doctor and the medicines he prescribes? Thus, some measure of faith is inevitable in every human life. However, when faith is built on love, then it moves on to a higher plane. Here, faith is truly understood and experienced in its fullest sense. Children have faith in their parents because they know that the parents love them. Turning to the spiritual life, we have faith in God because we know that He loves us and desires our salvation.
The readings speak about the human response in faith to God’s invitation to a relationship of love. The first reading exhorts us to take as our model of faith Jesus, who even embraced suffering and death trusting in the Father’s love for him. It further places before us the example of the multitude of Christians who, with unwavering faith, suffered persecution, and now enjoy heavenly glory. The Gospel narrates two separate incidents that demonstrate the power of faith in bringing about healing and salvation – the healing of the woman suffering from a hemorrhage, and the raising of Jairus’ daughter to life. “Woman, your faith has made you well.” “Do not be afraid; only have faith.”
Let us ask ourselves today: What is the measure of my faith in the Lord? Is it founded on a deep love for the Lord? Can I without fear profess my complete confidence in His love for me even in times of struggle and suffering, and submit myself to His will at all times in obedience? Let our prayer always be that of the Virgin Mother: “I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to Your word.”
Response: They will praise you, Lord, who seek you.
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