16th JULY 2024

July 16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Catholic Telegraph



Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel


Is 7: 1-9                      Ps 48: 2-8                    Mt 11: 20-24/Mt 12: 46-50




Today we reflect upon the significance of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the profound devotion associated with the scapular. The readings today remind us of the importance of faith and the consequences of rejecting God’s message. In the reading from Isaiah, we see King Ahaz faced with a daunting challenge. Despite his fear and uncertainty, God assures him of His presence and protection. This passage reminds us that even in our darkest moments, we are not alone. Our Lady of Mount Carmel stands as a beacon of hope, interceding for us and guiding us with her maternal care.


The responsorial psalm speaks of the beauty and majesty of Mount Zion, the city of our God. Just as Mount Carmel holds a special place in the hearts of believers, it serves as a symbol of our spiritual journey towards God. Through devotion to our Lady of Mount Carmel, we are invited to draw closer to the Lord and experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.


In the Gospel passage, Jesus laments at the lack of faith in the cities where He performed mighty deeds. The people failed to repent and believe in Him. This is a sober reminder of the importance of cultivating a deep and abiding faith. Our Lady of Mount Carmel invites us to renew our commitment to Christ and His teachings, trusting in His mercy and love.


The scapular devotion is a tangible expression of our faith and trust in our Lady’s intercession. As we wear the scapular, we are reminded of her maternal protection and the promise of eternal salvation. Let us embrace this sacred tradition with reverence and devotion, allowing it to deepen our relationship with Mary and her Son, Jesus Christ. May our Lady inspire and guide us on our journey of faith. May we always turn to her with confidence, knowing that she leads us closer to her Son. Let us entrust ourselves to her and strive to live lives worthy of the Gospel.


Response: God establishes his city forever.

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