21st JANUARY 2025

Hebrews 6:10-20 - NLT - For God is not unjust. He will not forget how  hard...



Memorial of Saint Agnes


Heb 6: 10-20              Ps 111 : 1-2, 4-5, 9-10                        Mk 2: 23-28




The first reading offers a profound insight into the nature of divine love and human response. It assures us that any act of love, no matter how small, performed for the glory of God or His saints is a tangible expression of our faith. “God would not be so unjust as to forget all you have done… for the saints.” This promise of eternal salvation, rooted in acts of love, is a source of immense comfort and inspiration. Our loving and compassionate Lord, ever generous and merciful, rewards our efforts in ways that often surpass our expectations. We have witnessed countless instances of God’s divine providence. His grace sustains me, His mercy forgives my sins, and His love fills my heart with joy. These experiences have deepened my faith and inspired me to serve Him with renewed zeal.


Love and faith are the twin pillars that support our spiritual journey. They ignite hope within us, empowering us to work tirelessly for the Kingdom of God. St. Agnes, whose feast we celebrate today, is a radiant example of this unwavering love. She defied the Roman Emperor, choosing faith over worldly desires. Her unwavering devotion to Christ serves as an inspiration to all who seek to live a life of faith.


In contrast to the Pharisees, who were blinded by self righteousness, the Psalmist extols the Lord’s graciousness and mercy. “Great are the works of the Lord, to be pondered by all who love them.” He recognised God’s divine providence in every aspect of his life, and his heart overflowed with gratitude. Let us emulate the Psalmist’s spirit of praise and thanksgiving. Despite our daily failings, God continues to shower us with His boundless love and mercy. He strengthens us, renews us, and empowers us to persevere on our spiritual journey. As we journey through life, let us strive to live a life of love, faith, and service. May we always seek to glorify God in all that we do, and may His love continue to inspire and transform us.


Response: The Lord keeps his covenant ever in mind.

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