22nd FEBRUARY 2025

Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle - Vatican News



Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter


1 Pt 5: 1-4                   Ps 23: 1-6                   Mt 16: 13-19




Peter stands out as the first among the apostles to proclaim faith in the Son of God, receiving the affirmation of the Lord: “Happy are you, Simon.” This blessing extends to all believers, highlighting that it is the Father who has chosen us and brought us to Christ. Originally named Simon, Jesus renamed him “Peter,” meaning “rock,” foreseeing his mission as a steadfast leader in the early Church. This change signifies not just a new identity but also a divine mission entrusted to him.


The Old Testament illustrates God’s desire for His people to have a visible leader. God’s promise to David that his offspring would rule the Kingdom of God forever finds its fulfillment in Christ, who now designates Peter as the enduring visible foundation of His Church. This primacy extends beyond Peter himself; his successors are called to uphold this leadership role within the Church, ensuring continuity and unity in faith. Throughout the New Testament, Peter’s prominence is consistently highlighted, highlighting his unique position among the apostles and affirming that just as he was chosen by Christ, so too are his successors empowered to guide the faithful in their spiritual journey.


For the Jews, the concepts of binding and unbinding defined what was forbidden and what was permissible within their faith. In this light, the Lord’s words to Peter signify that he and his successors hold the authority to determine who belongs to the body of believers, and to clarify the tenets of the Christian doctrine. Peter’s voice does not drown out all others; rather, it complements a broader dialogue among the apostles. This understanding is in harmony with the biblical notion of a “college” of apostles, where decisions are made collaboratively rather than unilaterally. While Peter serves as the “doorkeeper” (Mark 13:34), he is neither a “master” nor a “father” (Mt 23:9) in the sense that he alone dictates faith.


Response: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

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