1st MARCH 2025

We Belong To God



Sir 17: 1-15                Ps 103: 13-18             Mk 10: 13-16




The liturgical message of today urges us to recognize a deeper, more profound belongingness. It invites us to understand that our true identity lies in our relationship with God, both as His creation and as recipients of His grace.


  • The order of creation (Gen 1:26), reveals the exalted dignity of humankind. Made in God’s image and likeness, we possess an inherent spiritual nature, an immortal soul that transcends the limitations of our physical existence. While formed from the dust of the earth, we are destined for an eternal communion with our Creator. God, in His infinite wisdom, bestowed upon us dominion over the earth, a stewardship to be exercised responsibly. Furthermore, God not only created us but also endowed us with the capacity to respond to His love. He equipped us with the faculties of reason and intellect, allowing us to comprehend His creation and engage with the world around us. As His chosen people, we are bound by a covenant, a sacred agreement that establishes our relationship with Him.


  • In the order of grace, we, who were initially God’s creatures by virtue of creation, are now transformed into His children through the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Gospel recounts people bringing their children. The disciples, however, attempted to deter them, a reaction that deeply displeased Jesus. He recognized that the Kingdom of Heaven belonged precisely to those who, like children, approach God with innocence and trust. Just as children naturally belong to their earthly parents, we, through the grace of redemption, belong to God, our Heavenly Father. We are called to embrace the Kingdom of God with the same childlike wonder and acceptance. Hence, we belong to God not merely as His creations, but as His redeemed children, transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ.


Response: The mercy of the Lord is everlasting upon those who hold him in fear.

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