12th MARCH 2025

30 Things To Give Up for Lent in 2025 - Parade



Memorial of Saint Kuriakose Chavara


Gn 6: 5-8; 7: 1-5, 10              Ps 29: 1-4, 9-10                      Mk 8: 14-21



Daily Spiritual Reflections

12th MARCH 2025




Jon 3: 1-10                 Ps 51: 3-4, 12-13, 18-19                     Lk 11: 29-32





One cold winter morning, a young woman sat quietly in a church. She felt sad because of all the mistakes she had made in her life. The priest, seeing her there, understood that she was going through something; he walked up to her and said, “It is never too late to turn back.” This small story is like the story of the people of Nineveh in the Bible which we come across in the first reading. God sent Jonah to tell the people to stop doing bad and change their ways. The people of Nineveh listened and were truly sorry for their actions. They wore sackcloth as a sign of their repentance and sincere desire for conversion. God saw their change of heart and forgave them. No matter how far we have gone astray, God is always ready to forgive us if we truly desire to return into His embrace.


In the passage of the Gospel according to Luke, Jesus warns his listeners that the people of Nineveh will condemn those who do not listen to God’s call to change. Many people were witnesses to His miracles, and yet refused to embrace His call to repent. This is a challenge for us today. Do we recognize the many ways in which God calls us to repentance and conversion? How much are we hesitant to let go of our old ways, preferring rather the comfort and security they offer us?


Lent is a season of grace, not judgment. It’s an invitation to remember God’s boundless mercy, exemplified by His compassion for the people of Nineveh. Like them, we can approach God with sincere repentance, acknowledging our shortcomings and seeking forgiveness. This Lent, let us examine our lives and identify the areas where we need to let go of sin and embrace change. Let us approach God with humility, trusting in His unwavering love for us. His arms are always open to embrace us no matter the state of our sinfulness. Let us therefore come strive to stand before Him this Lent with hearts open to change.


Response: A broken and humbled heart, O God you will not spurn.

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