17th JULY 2024

Matthew 11:25–27 (NRSV) - Matthew 11:25–27 NRSV - At that time Jesus said,…  | Biblia



Is 10: 5-7, 13-16                     Ps 94: 5-10, 14-15                  Mt 11: 25-27




Jesus blesses the Father, for hiding the secrets of the Kingdom from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children. The poor, the humble, and the lowly are the first to accept and welcome his word of liberation. Why is this so? Because they are those who need His love most. The wise, the rich, and those who have knowledge and possessions do not feel the need of God.


In the next part of the gospel passage, Jesus tells us: “No one knows the Son except the Father, just as no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal it”. What does Jesus really mean? The verb “to know” in the Bible does not mean a knowledge of something or some person, but rather “a deep experience of that person”. This type of knowledge of the Father can only be possible for the Son. But the Son can share this knowledge with anybody he likes. And who are the lucky ones who receive this knowledge from him? The “little ones” of course. The learned of Jerusalem, the scribes, the rabbis, all those who know even the smallest details of the law are convinced that they possess an intimate knowledge of God and think that it is their task to teach this wisdom of theirs to the simple and the ignorant.


But Jesus says that the true knowledge of God can only come from him. The image of God that the learned ones create is often but an idol, it does not resemble in any way the Father revealed by Jesus. It is a terrible God, living far from mankind, all the time spying down on people and controlling their most intimate thoughts and deeds, one who punishes sinners very severely… Well, let the “learned” enjoy this God of theirs! This is not the God of Jesus Christ. The Father of Jesus loves and prefers the little and the lowly ones. If we can’t understand this, then we are also to be numbered among the “learned”, the “wise”, unable to know the true face of God.


Response: The Lord will not abandon his people.

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