19th JULY 2024

Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 12:6 - Worship God



Is 38: 1-8, 21-22                     Is 38: 10-12, 16                      Mt 12: 1-8




Alfred Adler argued that individuals who are not interested in others often face difficulties and unhappiness. In the gospel, Jesus addresses the Pharisees who violated the Law of Sabbath by eating wheat heads, a forbidden act. Jesus defends them by citing two exceptions, David and the priest performing temple services. While laws are beneficial, they can become too legalistic and structured. Jesus emphasizes the importance of human life over the Sabbath and emphasizes the importance of charity, which is what pleases God. Mercy, forgiveness, and compassion are the recipes for happiness. Jesus emphasizes that what pleases God is the act of charity.


Jesus emphasized that God values mercy over sacrifice. This message is relevant to all of us, as we may judge others unfairly and unnecessarily. Jesus revealed God as a God of mercy, sharing tables with sinners who broke the Jewish Law. We also should be merciful, as God is merciful. If we have received mercy from God, we should not refuse it to others.


Christians believe that the risen Lord is present in the Eucharist, in each member of the church, and in every human being suffering. By honouring and respecting each other, we experience the presence of God in our lives. Jesus embodies the mercy of God, focusing on mercy rather than sacrifice. The sacrifices in the Temple were human efforts to reach God, but Jesus’ mercy reaches us through us. Christians are called to be channels of God’s mercy, slow to judge, and prioritize human needs over human law. Jesus’ ministry is the supreme channel of God’s mercy. Jesus reveals something greater than the Temple, claiming to be the new focal point of God’s presence. He is not just the Lord of the Sabbath but Lord of all, the church, and our lives. As the Lord of our lives, we submit to his word, allowing his priorities to become ours. Jesus’ word and life help us distinguish between what is important and what is not.


Response: O Lord, you have delivered my soul lest it perish.

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