20th JULY 2024

Day 71 | Matthew 12:14-21 | His Name will be the hope of all the world | A  Common Mans Bible Journey



Mi 2: 1-5                     Ps 10: 1-4, 7-8, 14                  Mt 12: 14-21



What will we do if we are aware that strong individuals are attempting to take our lives? We would seek safety in a different location. But, Jesus persisted in performing His deeds of mercy even while His life was in jeopardy. Jesus differs from us in that we are content to hide and safeguard our lives. For Jesus, continuing to serve the people He deeply loved is more important than protecting His life. His death on the cross was the ultimate expression of this love for His people. What motivates us to defend our lives at the expense of those around us, in retrospect? Perhaps, the most obvious explanation is that we love life more than we love Jesus and other people; otherwise, we wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice our precious time and lives for them.

Are we people who value peace? Or perhaps we enjoy turmoil and conflict? If we consider ourselves to be followers of Jesus, we must value peace. Jesus was a gentle man who detested all forms of violence because He understood that there is no victory in using force. Jesus gently retreated from the Pharisees’ line of sight as they sought to capture and execute Him. Because Jesus was a calm person and it wasn’t yet time for Him to face them, He wasn’t terrified of them.

It’s not necessarily a show of cowardice to leave a battle; sometimes leaving a conflict is a sign of bravery. Because we are aware that we have a greater purpose in life than those who seek to use violence against us, we have the courage to leave a conflict. If we respond to violence with more violence, what will happen? Because no one succeeds through violence, we all end up losing. “An eye for an eye makes everyone blind.” When there are those who incite rage, let’s always choose the high road and avoid becoming on their level. Why not spread peace and love rather than respond to anger with more anger?


Response: Do not forget the poor, O Lord!

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