23rd JULY 2024

Matthew 12:46-50 | Daily Bible Readings



Mi 7: 14-15, 18-20                 Ps 85: 2-8                    Mt 12: 46-50



Today’s first reading offers us a profound reflection on hope, forgiveness, and the divine nature of God’s love. The reading has two parts. In the first part, a vivid picture of God as a compassionate shepherd, guiding and protecting His people is spelt out. The imagery of sheep grazing in fertile pastures reminds us of the abundance and blessings that come from following God’s guidance. The reference to the wonders God showed during the days of the Exodus from Egypt evokes a sense of God’s continued power and His ability to perform miraculous acts in our lives, even today.

The second section (Mi 7:18-20) underscores the uniqueness of God’s character. The question, “Who is a God like you?” acknowledges that God’s nature is unmatched in its qualities of forgiveness, mercy, and faithfulness. It emphasizes that God is not a God who holds grudges or harbors anger indefinitely. Instead, He takes delight in extending mercy and grace. The imagery of God treading upon our sins and casting them into the depths of the sea symbolizes His complete and utter forgiveness and cleansing of our transgressions.

What strikes the most about these verses is the idea of God’s enduring faithfulness to His covenant with Abraham and Jacob. It serves as a reminder that God’s promises are eternal and unchanging, even across generations. This faithfulness is a source of great comfort, assuring us that God’s love and commitment to us, just as to our forefathers, remain steadfast. In a world where forgiveness can be difficult to attain and mercy can be in short supply, these verses serve as a profound reminder of the boundless compassion available through our faith. They encourage us to approach God with humility and contrition, knowing that His love transcends our faults. Moreover, they inspire us to emulate God’s example by extending forgiveness and grace to others.

Response: Let us see, O Lord, your mercy.

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