24th JULY 2024

God doesn't call people who are qualified. He calls people who are willing  , and then He qualifies them - Richard Parker - Oasis the Venue



Jer 1: 1, 4-10              Ps 71: 1-6, 15, 17                   Mt 13: 1-9




We are used to responding to the proclamation of the Word of the Lord or the Gospel of the Lord by saying: Thanks be to God or Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ. We thank God or Praise Christ because we accept what God says, is pleasing to us and receive what it offers to be of value, worth and precious. If we accept the Word of God as a treasure and obey it, we shall have joy and suffering. We feel joy because it cheers not the senses but the heart with life that the message and things of this world cannot offer. We also need to suffer because the Word of God goes against our own word, our thinking, planning and our habitual way of living. So, it is a constant battle and struggle of turning to God instead of continuing to live according to our worldly desires.


When God is speaking or inviting, he reveals a design. We see in the first reading God making it quite clear to Jeremiah that it was God himself who designed him and destined him for a task even before he was born. We also notice how the prophet was reluctant by being apprehensive about his inadequacy. We have heard the saying that God does not call the qualified but qualifies the one He calls. God gives the design and the resources. . “It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration” (Steve Maraboli). When it comes to Divine Design, only God knows the end result and we only need to be faithful to play our part. There will be enormous challenges and we are sure to succeed if we rely on God’s grace and not our own internal resources.


If we accept God’s plan for us as precious, pleasant, and practical, it changes our lives in visible ways. Often God calls us to live and work a a community and not as isolated individuals. It often entails much affliction more than comfort and safety. However, if we value it as a treasure, we are likely to accept suffering rather than give it up.


Response: My mouth will tell of your salvation, Lord.

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