7th NOVEMBER 2024

Finding What Is Lost: A Sheep (Luke 15:1-7); A Coin (Luke 15:8-10); A Son  (Luke 15:11-22) | Bloor Lansdowne Christian Fellowship BLCF Church



Phil 3: 3-8                   Ps 105: 2-7                 Lk 15: 1-10




In the first reading St Paul points out that the Philippians are already a chosen people, for they worship in the spirit of God and therefore need not place confidence in the marks of a physical circumcision in order to gain entry into God’s kingdom. Then Paul digresses into some autobiographical statements, noting that if anyone has reason for confidence in the marks of his physical rite, he certainly has and even more so than others. He proceeds to show that he was completely a Jew, faithful in religious observances, a Pharisee so zealous that he persecuted the Church and kept the law blamelessly. But Paul’s understanding of Christ has changed his whole value system. Because righteousness comes from God through Christ, it is faith in Christ that saves. The experiential knowledge of God surpasses all that we posses by nature; gifts, knowledge, name or fame even though they are given by God.


Coming to the Gospel – welcoming sinners and sharing table fellowship with them is a practice that is characteristic of Jesus. Throughout the Bible, God’s care for His people is frequently linked to that of a shepherd for his sheep. The shepherd in Jesus’ story leaves the ninety nine sheep because he can trust that the assistant shepherd will get them back to the fold safe and sound. He personally goes after the one that is lost. He finds it and is delighted. He invites the whole town to rejoice with him as the loss affects the whole community. Jesus makes the point that God continually goes after those who stray from His grace. He wants us to be with Him and he is delighted when we repent and accept to be welcomed home. In the parable of the lost coin, the woman rejoices when she recovers the lost coin and she calls her friends and neighbours to share her joy.


These two parables lay the stress on the fact that it is God who takes the initiative, He goes out in search of every soul that has strayed for He has made us in his own image and likeness.


Response: Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice.

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