26th NOVEMBER 2024

My Reflections...: 1Reflection for November 24 Tuesday, Saint Andrew  Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs (M): Luke 21:5-11



Rv 14: 14-19               Ps 96: 10-13               Lk 21: 5-11




Today we hear the future of Jerusalem Temple. When someone appreciated its materialistic beauty and grandeur, Jesus realized that we always give importance to man-made beauty and not for the love of God. Thus He prophesies, what happens to the things that are manmade, everything will be wiped away from this earth. In His own time, He knows exactly what to give and what to take back. As long as we consider someone or something, greater than God, then He knows how to take us back to Himself. There is an end for all.


Our present world is ruled by individualism and competition. Ethics and morals are silenced, but Humans who must upheld the truth are destroying it. For how long one can do this? Every human being will die. Death is natural but how are we going to be ready for it, completely depends upon our life journey. The big bungalows are everywhere but how many people are living in it? For the sake of children’s higher education, parents have left their children in hostels or in boarding houses in foreign countries, have they returned back to the family to see their so-called parents? In this world of material growth, all relationships are set on self-centred goals.


Those nations that once upheld Christianity, have opted for non-religious ways of life. The teachings of Christ are interpretated wrongly. Remember, “the days will come….” nothing is going to remain as it is, whenever and wherever, God and His word is not accepted, there we have seen the destruction. Bible speaks about it loudly, and also the present human race too has experienced it in some way. Christ is not frightening us, but rather he is reminding us not to fall away from Him for the sake of sensual pleasures. God loves all of us, there is no end for His love; to experience His Love, we must keep aside our will and embrace His will. Whoever accepts His will and lives according to it, He calls them His beloved Sons and Daughters.


Response: The Lord comes to judge the earth.

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