29th JANUARY 2025

A Brief Reflection on Mark 4:1-20 – A : A



Heb 10: 11-18            Ps 110: 1-4                 Mk 4: 1-20




Do you know the secret of the Kingdom of God? Jesus says to his disciples in today’s gospel, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God.” This secret is also given to us because what Jesus did and said did not end with his death but continued in His resurrection. Furthermore, He gave us the Holy Spirit to help us remember and understand what He has revealed.


But what is this secret? The secret is that God dwells in us and is at work in us. This profound truth that Jesus Christ offers us is received through the sacred act of baptism and a life rooted in faith. A glimpse of this divine secret is unveiled in the parable of the Sower. Our hearts are the fertile fields where the seeds of God’s Kingdom are sown. Even when our hearts have grown cold and forgotten the warmth of love, God, in His infinite mercy, draws us back to Himself, inviting us to know and love Him anew. The seeds of God’s Word can fall on four types of soil, mirroring the diverse states of our hearts: dry, rocky, thorny, or good. It is important to remember that our hearts can shift between these states, sometimes multiple times. We may mistakenly believe that cultivating good soil is solely our effort, a constant striving for perfection. However, the truth lies in the grace of God, who tenderly nurtures the seeds within us, patiently awaiting their growth.


While it is true that we should do our part to change and prepare our hearts, we cannot become good soil all by ourselves. We need the help of the Lord. And this happens only by abiding in Him. As the Lord Himself said, “As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” (Jn 15:4) We have the secret to the Kingdom of God, and we need to abide in the Lord to have access to this secret, to know Him and be shaped by Him, and hence bear fruit.


Response: You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek.

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