Memorial of Saint Kuriakose Chavara
Gn 6: 5-8; 7: 1-5, 10 Ps 29: 1-4, 9-10 Mk 8: 14-21
In the first reading we witness God’s lament over the pervasive evil that had taken root in humanity. This lament underscores the gravity of sin and its consequences. Yet amidst this despair, Noah emerges as a beacon of hope. He finds favour in God’s eyes, illustrating that righteousness is possible even in a world steeped in corruption. God commands Noah to enter the ark with his family, in order to keep them safe from the flood of punishment. The flood serves as a divine reset, cleansing the earth of its corruption while preserving Noah and his family, who symbolise renewal and hope. This act of judgement is balanced by God’s mercy, as He provides a means for humanity to start anew. The flood narrative thus presents the duality of God’s justice and mercy, reminding us that while sin has dire consequences, God’s grace offers a path to redemption.
In the gospel, Jesus warns His disciples about the “leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod;” that is, the corrupting influence of sin and disbelief. Just as God sought to cleanse the earth in Noah’s time, Jesus calls His followers to be vigilant against spiritual corruption. However, the disciples didn’t understand Him, reflecting humanity’s struggle to recognise divine truths amidst worldly distractions. Their failure to grasp the significance of the words and works of the Lord serves as a caution for us today, urging us to set aside time daily for silent prayer away from the distractions of life, to ponder on ‘the marvels the Lord works for us’ in imitation of Mary. Like Noah, we are called to live righteously and remain faithful amidst a world that often prioritises self-interest over divine principles. The warning of the Lord to his disciples exhorts us to examine their hearts and resist influences that divert them from God’s truth. However, the readings of the day also carry a message of hope – hope in the Divine mercy; for, while humanity may falter, His mercy endures forever.
Response: The Lord will bless his people with peace.
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