21st FEBRUARY 2025

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Gn 11: 1-9                  Ps 33: 10-15               Mk 8: 34–9: 1




In his booklet Praying Today, Cardinal Angelo Comastri reflects on the overwhelming noise that characterizes our contemporary world. He observes that in the absence of silence, true contemplation has become increasingly rare, leading to a loss of the intrinsic value of things. This sentiment resonates deeply with the situation depicted in today’s first reading. As the population on earth grew, so too did the clamour of daily life. People gradually forgot their Creator and their complete dependence on Him. Recognizing the spiritual blindness that enveloped humanity, God deemed it necessary to separate and scatter them across the earth.


Cardinal Comastri reminds us that at times, we may find ourselves lacking a loving relationship with God. When this occurs, our lives can become chaotic and filled with confusion. We may feel threatened and lose sight of the true value of things. However, we need not succumb to fear or confusion, for we possess a powerful weapon – prayer. It is through prayer that we can address the noise and emptiness in our lives. As Jesus teaches in the Gospel, our lives can be saved through prayer. By embracing silence and contemplation – two essential components of a prayerful life – we can rescue ourselves from the turmoil that often surrounds us, unlike those at the Tower of Babel who succumbed to their own confusion. Let us dismantle the towers of distraction within our souls through the power of prayer. Let us commit ourselves to fostering silence over noise.


No matter how hard we strive to gather worldly pleasures, true fulfilment lies in the embrace of Jesus. When we turn our gaze toward Him in moments of silence and contemplation, we accumulate joy and happiness that far surpass any earthly pleasure. By doing so, we can begin to address our spiritual blindness and restore our relationship with God.


Response: Blessed the people the Lord has chosen as his heritage.

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