26th FEBRUARY 2025

Showing Compassion to Others | The Guest House



Sir 4: 11-19                Ps 119: 165, 168, 171-175                 Mk 9: 38-40




Today’s liturgy invites us to be soldiers of compassion. Jesus teaches us about the nature of belonging and the inclusivity of His mission. When John expresses concern over someone casting out demons in His name, the Lord responds, “Do not forbid him…” This invites us to embrace a broader understanding of community and compassion.


Compassion is not merely a feeling; it is an active engagement with the suffering of others. The first reading emphasises the importance of caring for the needy and the marginalized. It instructs us not to turn away from the poor or to delay in offering help. This aligns beautifully with the call of Jesus to recognise the good in others, even those outside our immediate circle. Compassion compels us to act, to reach out, and to support those in distress. Pope Francis highlights that true compassion involves a willingness to suffer alongside others and to walk with them in their struggles. This is not a sign of weakness but a profound strength that reflects the heart of Christ. When we engage with the suffering of others, we embody the love of God, who is ever-present in our lives.


In a world marked by division and strife, the call to compassion is more urgent than ever. Pope Francis himself challenges us to move beyond indifference, to transform our hearts from “you do not matter to me” to “you are important to me.” This transformation is essential for building a community that reflects the love of Christ. It requires us to confront our biases and to embrace the diversity of God’s creation. It is vital to remember that compassion is a choice; a choice to see others as our neighbours, to recognize their dignity, and to respond to their needs. Jesus’ words remind us that even the smallest acts of kindness, like offering a cup of water in His name, hold great significance in the Kingdom of God and transform us into soldiers of compassion on earth.


Response: The lovers of your law have great peace.

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