5th FEBRUARY 2025

08-13-17 - "Divine Discipline: A Blessed Exchange" (Hebrews 12:1-7)



Memorial of Saint Agatha


Heb 12: 4-7, 11-15                 Ps 103: 1-2, 13-14, 17-18                   Mk 6: 1-6



In the first reading, the author invites us to reflect on the nature of divine discipline and the importance of perseverance in faith. He emphasizes that enduring trials is a vital part of the Christian journey, as God disciplines those He loves, akin to a father correcting his children. This loving correction is not meant to harm but to guide those who believe in Him toward righteousness and peace, reminding them that “whom the Lord loves, he chastises.”

St. Agatha, a third-century martyr, whose feast we celebrate today, embodies the virtues of endurance and steadfastness in the face of suffering. Her life exemplifies the very essence of the message in Hebrews. Agatha faced severe persecution and torture for her unwavering faith, yet she remained resolute, demonstrating the spirit of perseverance that the first reading encourages. Her trials were opportunities for her to deepen her relationship with God and to witness to her faith, even unto death. In her suffering, she found strength and grace. Like St. Agatha, we are urged to view these difficulties as opportunities for growth. The discipline mentioned in the first reading can be seen in the struggles that refine character and deepen one’s relationship with God. Embracing trials with courage, as St. Agatha did, allows believers to transform suffering into a profound witness of faith.

The gospel presents Jesus as an example of this courage in the face of difficulties. The people of Nazareth, astonished by his teachings and miracles, ultimately take offense at him, unable to reconcile their familiarity with Jesus as a carpenter with his newfound authority and wisdom. However, this rejection did not deter him in his mission. Similarly, Agatha’s steadfastness has made her a symbol of courage and faithfulness for everyone who answers the call of discipleship.

Response: The mercy of the Lord is everlasting upon those who hold him in fear.

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in

4th FEBRUARY 2025

Jesus Raises Jairus's Daughter Power Over Death Luke 8 A Reflection :  r/Christianity



Memorial of Saint John Britto


Heb 12: 1-4                Ps 22: 26-28, 30-32                Mk 5: 21-43


Faith is an essential part of the human experience, whether it is faith in a person or the tools he/she has created. Without some level of faith, it would be impossible to live. How would one travel without faith in the modes of transport and those who drive them? How would one be cured of any kind of illness, if there is a lack of faith in the doctor and the medicines he prescribes? Thus, some measure of faith is inevitable in every human life. However, when faith is built on love, then it moves on to a higher plane. Here, faith is truly understood and experienced in its fullest sense. Children have faith in their parents because they know that the parents love them. Turning to the spiritual life, we have faith in God because we know that He loves us and desires our salvation.

The readings speak about the human response in faith to God’s invitation to a relationship of love. The first reading exhorts us to take as our model of faith Jesus, who even embraced suffering and death trusting in the Father’s love for him. It further places before us the example of the multitude of Christians who, with unwavering faith, suffered persecution, and now enjoy heavenly glory. The Gospel narrates two separate incidents that demonstrate the power of faith in bringing about healing and salvation – the healing of the woman suffering from a hemorrhage, and the raising of Jairus’ daughter to life. “Woman, your faith has made you well.” “Do not be afraid; only have faith.”

Let us ask ourselves today: What is the measure of my faith in the Lord? Is it founded on a deep love for the Lord? Can I without fear profess my complete confidence in His love for me even in times of struggle and suffering, and submit myself to His will at all times in obedience? Let our prayer always be that of the Virgin Mother: “I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to Your word.”

Response: They will praise you, Lord, who seek you.

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in

3rd FEBRUARY 2025

Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon - Gospelimages



Heb 11: 32-40            Ps 31: 20-24               Mk 5: 1-20


The story of salvation recording in the Scriptures is filled with episodes of God intervening in human affairs through individuals empowered to defeat His enemies and those who oppose His people. The first reading gives us some examples from the Old Testament. However, God sometimes allows His people to endure hardships and persecution; some faced “jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment” (Heb 11:36), to make them examples of faith to the world. Today, we are invited to be strong and take heart in times of struggle, resting our hope in Him, knowing that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” (Rom 8:28).

The Good News of salvation represents God’s decisive intervention in the world through Jesus, the Word made flesh. Through the mystery of the Incarnation, God embraces the whole of creation. The Word takes on our weak flesh to defeat the enemies of humanity. The gospel can be seen in the light of this battle where God conquers the powers of the Evil one. When Jesus proclaims that the Kingdom of God is near, He refers to a new reign initiated by His presence and power.

In every personal encounter the Lord reveals His love and mercy. The Gospel passage begins with Jesus proclaiming the end of the era of Satan. When He invites us to repent, He calls us to turn to Him and live by His spirit of freedom. Humans are not meant to be bound or tormented; Jesus commands evil spirits out of those possessed because we are meant to be temples of the Holy Spirit. Our bondage to sensual pleasure also requires redemption. The story of Jesus restoring a demon-possessed man teaches that true freedom is essential for enjoying life in God. Once liberated, we are called to be authentic apostles, proclaiming that genuine salvation comes only from God.


Response: Be strong, let your heart take courage, all who hope in the Lord.

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in

2nd FEBRUARY 2025

Simeon and Anna's Lifestyle Is What Is Needed to Battle End Time Demons -  HubPages





Neh 8:2-10                  Ps 19               1 Cor 12:12-30                       Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21




Today is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. How amazingly the great prophesies of the past get fulfilled when Mary and Joseph, in humble obedience to Mosaic Law presented the Child Jesus in Jerusalem temple! Malachi lived almost 500 years before Christ. During his time the temple priests conducted the worship in an unworthy manner, disregarding the norms laid down by Moses. People too were mediocre and were stingy in their offerings to God. During this time, God in his disappointment makes the prophecy that he himself would send his messenger before him to prepare the way and the Lord would suddenly appear in the temple. Jesus is that prophesied ‘divine messenger’. He himself is the message or Good News of salvation. He appears suddenly in the temple not in his kingly attire or messianic glory, but in the form of a child.


Jesus Christ: The author of Letter to the Hebrews rightly highlights the significance of the human form in which Jesus appears. Because of his incarnation, he is able to sympathise with us in our daily trials and temptations. We have a merciful and faithful high priest in Jesus. St Thomas Aquinas wrote, “the Son of God became man, and was circumcised in the flesh, not for His own sake, but that we might be circumcised in spirit. Likewise, behind the act of presentation by his parents Jesus presents himself to God, his Father. Now he presents himself in the temple; after his death and resurrection he himself will become the living temple! In the Greek Church today’s feast is called Hypapante (Meeting), in reference to Jesus’ meeting in the temple with the aged Simeon and the prophet Anna. We not only meet Jesus in the temple but in and through Jesus we meet our God, for he is the Way!


One of the traditional names given to today’s feast is “Candlemas,” denoting the blessing of candles and the candlelit procession that surrounds this feast. Pope Benedict XVI once said, “The theme of Christ the Light, which has characterized the series of Christmas feasts and culminated in the Feast of the Epiphany, is taken up and extended to the celebration today.”


Simeon and Anna: What candid lessons we can learn from Simeon and Anna. Their faith was nourished by the word of God. The word of God gave them hope of seeing the Messiah. Their life was centered around the temple where they served the Lord selflessly and untiringly. In Jesus their faith, hope, love and service was rewarded. They invite us to persevere courageously and zealously in our Christian vocation.


Mary and Joseph: Mary had no need of any ritual purification. ‘Mother all-pure’ is what we say during the litany. She is the personification of purity. Yet with Joseph she does what the Law commands her to do. Mary and Joseph shine before us as models of humility and obedience. They invite all the Christian couple and parents to emulate them and with true Christian fidelity fulfill God’s will.


It was Pope St John Paul II, in 1997 who decreed that ‘the Day of Consecrated Life’ be celebrated in conjunction with this liturgical feast. Thereby the Church tried to promote the knowledge and appreciation of consecrated life among the faithful and that those who are called to consecrated life celebrate the marvels God has worked in their feeble life as did in Mary and Joseph, Simeon and Anna.


‘Malachi’ the prophet from whom today’s reading is taken means ‘messenger’. In the light of todays great feast of the presentation let us renew our Baptism that we ourselves become the messengers and ‘light-bearers’ of Christ the ‘Messenger’ and ‘the Light’. Let us beseech the Lord who is our merciful sympathizer and high priest to grant us the virtue of “Hope’ and Christian ‘perseverance’ that was truly rewarded in Simeon and Anna. Like Mary and Joseph, today we don’t require to offer Jesus in the temple. Instead, we need to offer ourselves continually to Jesus, especially in the Eucharist and thus stive to live lives of holiness and service, keenly doing God’s will. St Thomas Aquinas rightly says, “For our sake He was presented to the Lord that we may learn to offer ourselves to God.”


Response: The Lord of hosts, he is the King of Glory

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in

1st FEBRUARY 2025

Hebrews 11:1 - Bible Verse Design — Scripture Type



Heb 11: 1-2, 8-19                   Lk 1: 69-75                 Mk 4: 35-41



Fear is perhaps the most prevalent of all unpleasant emotions, an experience that no one wishes to endure. It diminishes our capacity for rational thought, making it difficult to act in ways that align with our true values and beliefs. However, the liturgy today reminds us that our faith in God has the potential to conquer every form of fear; it acts as a guiding light, helping us navigate through darkness and uncertainty.

Abraham, the father of faith, exemplifies a life defined by unwavering trust in God. His journey began when God called him to leave his homeland and venture into an unknown nation among unfamiliar people. By this act of obedience, Abraham was not merely following a command; he was responding to a divine promise that he would become the progenitor of a great nation and a source of blessing for many. Abraham’s faith was further tested when God commanded him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, on Mount Moriah. This challenge revealed the depth of Abraham’s trust in God; he believed that even if he were to carry out this heartbreaking act, God had the power to resurrect Isaac (Gen 22). As he journeyed to the altar, Abraham’s faith remained steadfast, demonstrating that he would not allow fear to overshadow his commitment to God. He reassured his servants, stating, “We will worship and then come back to you,” indicating his firm belief in God’s promise (Gen 22:5).

Sarah, too, played a crucial role in this narrative of faith. Despite being well beyond childbearing age, she believed in God’s promise that she would bear a son. Her faith overcame her fears and doubts, leading to the miraculous birth of Isaac. This shared journey of faith between Abraham and Sarah highlights the strength found in trusting God’s promises against all odds. Their example stands as a testimony, where there is faith, there is no fear, for faith overcomes every fear.

Response: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited his people.

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in

31st JANUARY 2025

Hebrews 10:32–39 (ESV) - Hebrews 10:32–39 ESV - But recall the former… |  Biblia



Memorial of Saint John Bosco


Heb 10: 32-39            Ps 37: 3-6,23-24,39-40                       Mk 4: 26-34




Ease has ruined far more men than trouble ever did. Hannibal of Carthage, was a general who had defeated the Roman soldiers in battle. However, when winter arrived, he paused his campaign, resting his troops in Capua (Italy), a city known for its luxury. The comforts of Capua made Hannibal’s soldiers lose their spirit. When spring came and they resumed their campaign, they were not able to withstand the Romans. Ease had ruined what struggle had fortified. That is often true of the Christian life. Sometimes, we can handle tough situations well, but when things get easier, we lose strength and faith.


The author to the Hebrews appeals to us, saying, “Be what you were at your best.” Christianity does not demand the impossible, but if we were always as honest, as kind, and as courageous as we can be, life would be transformed. In today’s gospel, Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God, using the parable of the growing crop and the mustard seed. These parables show the quiet, yet powerful, growth of faith and the Kingdom of God, often happening in unseen ways. Just as the seed requires nurturing and care to grow, our faith also needs continual attention and care, especially in times of ease.


Don Bosco, whose memorial we celebrate today, was a priest who faced adversity yet thrived in his mission to educate and uplift the youth. He was committed to his values of kindness, courage, and dedication, even when faced with the comforts that might have distracted him. His unwavering commitment reminds us that it is not just our trials that define us but our response to both struggle and ease. In trials and triumphs, we need to remember that our strength is nurtured through vigilance and commitment, ensuring that we remain true to our values of kindness, courage, and dedication. Thus, in both adversity and ease, we can grow stronger and draw closer to the Kingdom of God.


Response: From the Lord comes the salvation of the just.

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in

30th JANUARY 2025




Heb 10: 19-25            Ps 24: 1-6                   Mk 4: 21-25





The author of the letter to the Hebrews reminds us that we enter God’s presence through the blood of Jesus. By his incarnation, Jesus has made it possible for us to live a perfect life in communion with God. Jesus, by his death and resurrection, not only offered himself to his Father but also obtained eternal redemption for us. He has freed our hearts and minds from sin and now invites us to take up our cross and be his disciple(s). We will find meaning and fulfilment in life when we are faithful to the will of God in our daily lives.


The three qualities mentioned by the author that are necessary for approaching the sanctuary with a sincere heart are faith, hope, and love in community. It is by faith we enter into the Christian community and are baptised into the mission of Jesus. We have hope because Jesus has entered and become our high priest forever, interceding for us before the throne of God. Towards a Spirituality for Synodality affirms that we must “never lose sight of the goal, which is the ever-greater love and service of Christ and the world to which we are sent.” We experience this each time the liturgical assembly is nourished by the Lord and sent forth to love and serve each other.


The Psalm affirms the importance of seeking God’s face and living righteously before God. Only then can we stand before God with clean hands, pure hearts, and a commitment to truth. The metaphor of a lamp is used in the gospel to teach us about the revelation of the truth and its comprehension. What is hidden will be disclosed, and those who listen and understand will be given more insight. As the Father’s children, what is the hope and truth we profess? Towards a Spirituality for Synodality puts it succinctly, “With this wisdom grasped through the eyes of faith, we become agents of the in-breaking Kingdom of God, reconciling all things in peace and messengers of the kingdom of life.”


Response: These are the people who seek your face, O Lord.

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in

29th JANUARY 2025

A Brief Reflection on Mark 4:1-20 – A : A



Heb 10: 11-18            Ps 110: 1-4                 Mk 4: 1-20




Do you know the secret of the Kingdom of God? Jesus says to his disciples in today’s gospel, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God.” This secret is also given to us because what Jesus did and said did not end with his death but continued in His resurrection. Furthermore, He gave us the Holy Spirit to help us remember and understand what He has revealed.


But what is this secret? The secret is that God dwells in us and is at work in us. This profound truth that Jesus Christ offers us is received through the sacred act of baptism and a life rooted in faith. A glimpse of this divine secret is unveiled in the parable of the Sower. Our hearts are the fertile fields where the seeds of God’s Kingdom are sown. Even when our hearts have grown cold and forgotten the warmth of love, God, in His infinite mercy, draws us back to Himself, inviting us to know and love Him anew. The seeds of God’s Word can fall on four types of soil, mirroring the diverse states of our hearts: dry, rocky, thorny, or good. It is important to remember that our hearts can shift between these states, sometimes multiple times. We may mistakenly believe that cultivating good soil is solely our effort, a constant striving for perfection. However, the truth lies in the grace of God, who tenderly nurtures the seeds within us, patiently awaiting their growth.


While it is true that we should do our part to change and prepare our hearts, we cannot become good soil all by ourselves. We need the help of the Lord. And this happens only by abiding in Him. As the Lord Himself said, “As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” (Jn 15:4) We have the secret to the Kingdom of God, and we need to abide in the Lord to have access to this secret, to know Him and be shaped by Him, and hence bear fruit.


Response: You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek.

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in

28th JANUARY 2025

What does Mark 3:31-35 mean? | Bible Art



Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas


Heb 10: 1-10              Ps 40: 2, 4, 7-8, 10, 11                       Mk 3: 31-35




Most of us are familiar with the proverb, ‘Blood runs thicker than water’, which is a clever way of saying that family bonds are stronger than that of friendship or love. However, for Christ, what truly unites people are not familial bonds but the bonds that are forged by doing God’s will together. Through faith and good works, we are bonded not only with those who are currently on earth, but also with those who have gone before us. Even death cannot severe the ties that are built on the foundation of good works and faith. Perhaps it is more apt to say that the living waters drawn from the baptismal font runs thicker than both blood and water.


God brought us into the world through our natural families, and Jesus redefines family in suggesting that it goes deeper. Through the Gospel passage today, Jesus teaches us a fundamental lesson about what it means to be a part of God’s family. Households normally have family members on the inside and crowds on the outside. But here the order is reversed. Jesus was spending time with those called from the outside to be on the inside. Jesus used this scene to drive home an important point about the priority of relationships in His Kingdom. As Jesus would make clear, spiritual proximity to him is not a matter of flesh and blood but on faithfulness to the will of His Father. (cf. Jn 1:12–13) In His eyes, Through His disciples, Jesus established not only His kingdom, but also a new family, a family based not on having a common name, but on having the same heavenly Father.


A biblical scholar writes, “Obey the Lord, and an unparalleled family experience awaits you.” It really is a wonderful thing to belong to the family of Christ. By living our faith, we are all members of Christ’s household, where love and justice reign forever and ever.


Response: See, I have come, Lord, to do your will.

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in

27th JANUARY 2025

What is Discipleship? – Pastor Dave Online



Heb 9: 15, 24-28                    Ps 98: 1-6                   Mk 3: 22-30




The early Christian community, led by figures like Timothy and Titus, experienced a radical transformation through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. They revelled in the joy of discipleship, a far cry from the rigid legalism of the Jewish Rabbis and Scribes. These religious leaders were preoccupied with meticulous adherence to laws and rituals, often seeking absolution through costly sacrifices. In contrast, Jesus offered a revolutionary path, a way of authentic worship rooted in personal morality: “If you… remember that your brother has something against you,… First go and be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Mt 5:23-24).


In today’s gospel, Jesus presents a demanding yet liberating vision of discipleship. He calls us to a life of radical honesty and moral purity, a life that is wholly surrendered to God. This radical lifestyle is not merely a pious aspiration but a practical reality that requires tangible actions and sacrifices. Jesus underscores the importance of personal righteousness as a prerequisite for authentic worship. This involves a relentless battle against our own desires and passions, a battle that can only be won with God’s help. To follow Jesus, we must embrace the cost of discipleship. It is not enough to merely attend church services or recite prayers; we must actively seek to live out the teachings of Christ in our daily lives. This requires a deep and abiding faith, sincere repentance, and a willingness to let go of our old ways of thinking and behaving. We must never forget that our salvation is not earned through our own efforts but is a gift of God’s grace. It is through faith in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit that we can overcome sin and live a life that is pleasing to God. Let us, therefore, embrace the challenge of discipleship with courage and hope, knowing that with God’s help, we can achieve the impossible.


Response: O Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has worked wonders.

Copyright ©2025 ©Springs of Living Water  http://springs.carmelmedia.in