1st JANUARY 2025

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (January 01, 2024)





Nm 6: 22-27; Ps 67: 2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4: 4-7; Lk 2: 16-21




Today, we celebrate the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and the beginning of a new year. Mary was a blessing to Joseph and Jesus, and she continues to be a blessing to all humanity. As we honour her today, she invites us to become a blessing to others in the coming year. In the first reading, we hear how God commanded Aaron and his sons to bless the people of Israel. Ultimately, all blessings come from the Lord, the source of every good thing. Aaron and his sons were chosen as instruments to transmit these divine blessings, which consist of seven key elements:


  1. God blesses – God is the fountain of all blessings. Every good gift comes from Him, and we must acknowledge His authority, gratefully receiving all that He provides.


  1. God keeps – God protects His people and provides for their needs. He is attentive to their welfare.


  1. God’s face shines upon us – God’s goodness is ever-present. His people are called to reflect this goodness and virtue in their daily lives.


  1. God is gracious – God is merciful and compassionate, showering His people with kindness even when they fall short of His grace.


  1. God lifts His countenance – As a loving Father, God never turns away from His wayward children but looks upon them with enduring love.


  1. God gives peace – In His presence, there is calmness and tranquillity, even amid life’s conflicts.


  1. God’s name is upon His people – Created in His image and likeness (Gen 1:27), God’s children live and move in Him (Acts 17:28), bearing His name as a mark of their belonging.


These elements of blessing are gifts God continues to offer through His chosen instruments.


Today, we recognize Mary, the Mother of God, as the most powerful instrument of God’s blessings. Mary is Jesus’ mother. Jesus is God the Son, and thus Mary is the Mother of God. Through her, the Father sent His only Son into the world. Mary played an essential role as the Mother of God. By saying “yes” to God’s will, she bore Jesus, the eternal Son of the Father, and nurtured Him with unwavering faith and love. She pondered in her heart the mysteries revealed to her, faithfully obeying God at every moment of her life.


Here are seven ways we can become a Blessing to Others:


  1. Bless others with goodwill – Let us wish others well from the depths of our hearts. Let every “Happy New Year” we share be an earnest prayer for their happiness.


  1. Protect and provide for others – As Mary cared for her family, we are called to protect the dignity and reputation of others and extend a helping hand, whether through kind words, acts of service, or simple gestures of encouragement.


  1. Reflect God’s goodness – Let our lives radiate God’s love and virtue, and inspire others to seek His goodness in their lives.


  1. Be gracious and merciful – When we show compassion, let us embody God’s infinite mercy.


  1. Love with God’s heart – Just as Mary embraced all with a mother’s love, we are called to love unconditionally and accept others as they are.


  1. Be peacemakers – In a world often divided by conflict, may we sow peace, reconciling differences and promoting harmony.


  1. Live as God’s children – As bearers of God’s image, may we live in a way that reflects our dignity as His adopted children.


When we strive to embody these qualities, we become channels of God’s blessings, just as Mary was to Jesus and to the world. May Mary, the Mother of God, inspire us to embrace this call with faith and courage.


Response: O God, be gracious and bless us.

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