11th JULY 2024



Memorial of Saint Benedict, Abbot


Hos 11: 1-4, 8-9                      Ps 80: 2-3, 15-16                    Mt 10: 7-15




In the book of Hosea, God is portrayed as a generous and loving father of the people of Israel. God wants to shower his abundant love, compassion, warmth and tenderness on his people irrespective of their disloyalty and ungratefulness. A loving father who wants to give everything without any conditions. In the gospel reading, Jesus also gives freely the kingdom of God to mankind. Jesus gave his very life to demonstrate the art of giving. The art of living is the art of giving. ‘You received without paying; give without pay’ (Mt 10:8). What is the force that drives us to give? It is love. ‘God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him’ (1Jn 4:16).


Hosea tells us how the people of Israel moved away from the love of God and were trapped by their passions. Their hearts had no room for true love. On the other hand, Jesus fortifies his disciples with his love and power and commissions them to heal others. Are we people who live in love? As parents we love our children. We love our family and friends. It is easy to be generous with our own people. But that’s not the art of living and giving. There is more to the kingdom of God. If we want to fill our hearts with love we have to drop the excessive baggage that stifles us (Mt 10:9). The heart of God is generous because God is love. Generosity flows from a loving heart, that brings about healing and restoration irrespective of family or stranger/ friend or enemy. Can we dwell within ourselves and find this secret of true love.


The art of giving is to give from the heart without any expectation of return. You have always something to give everyone. Often, it is not money or any other item that people need, it may be something intangible, as consolation, reassurance, appreciation, encouragement and even a smile.


Response: Let your face shine on us, Lord, and we shall be saved.

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