24th MAY 2024

Patience – Charity Matters



Jas 5: 9-12;                 Ps 103: 1-4, 8-9, 11-12;                     Mk 10: 1-12



The Psalmist says, that the Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love (Ps 103:8). God who is love, acts patiently. While the life of Jesus and numerous parables reveal the merciful and patient nature of God, he invites us to imitate him, and thus reveal the great characteristics of God through a life of patience.

One of the most patient persons in the Bible is the Blessed Virgin Mary. From the day the angel Gabriel first told her she would be the mother of God’s son, and throughout Jesus’ life, she displayed a rare quality of patience. She was patiently taking them the events in, as she had no idea what God’s plan was for Jesus, but she trusted anyway. St Paul speaks the true characteristics and power of divine love. In his letter to the Corinthians he speaks about the genuine love being patient, kind and not self-seeking (1Cor 13:4-5). If we have experienced God love and mercy, we are likely to notice how patient God is with us. If we are aware of our own weaknesses and rely on God for help, it is likely that we shall be accepting others with all their limitations and be kind and patient with them. If we are rigid and demand perfection from others expecting others to be acting as per our wish, we shall not only be critical of them but also divorce them off from our life. Patience is not a product given to us. It is a fruit of the life in the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). It is essential in personal life, relationships and activities; for our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It brings peace.

Patience, positivity and flexibility go hand in hand. When things do not go our way, we get time to explore new possibilities. Patience helps us to navigate through challenges and choose the best options in solving problems in any given situation. An awareness and our own experience of Christ’s love and mercy can surely help us to be considerate, kind and patient with others.

Response: The Lord is compassionate and gracious.

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