Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga & Co., Martyrs
2 Pt 1: 2-7; Ps 91: 1-2, 14-16; Mk 12: 1-12
The blind have no opportunity to see, the lame have none of walking and so those who are disabled lack one or other opportunity in their lives. But others, like you and me who are not disabled, have all the opportunities of life. Often, we forget to appreciate this and lose all these golden opportunities and fail to be happy in life. Besides this, we use all the gifts for our personal gain and benefit and fail to use them, and to fulfill the intentions of those who gave them. In the first reading, Peter clearly and boldly declares that God has given us all the things that we need in our life and we must recognize the giver of all these things and be grateful to Him. One has to try putting one’s heart and soul in using all these things, to be good and kind to others. Only then are we able to give glory to the giver of all these things.
In the gospel, Jesus explains through the parable of the Vineyard, the generosity and merciful nature of God. Entrusting the vineyard to the tenants means his generosity in entrusting the Kingdom of God to each of us, through the sacrament of baptism and it is our responsibility to make it grow and produce abundantly. The gospel explains to us the irresponsibility of each of us in handling that Kingdom. But the good Lord is ready forgive us and wishes to renew that relationship.
What a golden opportunity, God has entrusted to us human beings and what kind of responsibility do we exhibit on our part? Often, we behave immaturely, because of our selfishness, and jealousy. We do not want to help others nor do we want to see them do well. We fail to realize that people around us are coworkers with us to build the Kingdom of God. Let us resolve to use creatively the golden opportunities in our lives given by God our loving and merciful Father, for his glory.
Response: O my God, I trust in you.
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