5th JUNE 2024

Strength and Fortitude - Hustle Mama Magazine



Memorial of Saint Boniface, Bishop & Martyr


2 Tm 1: 1-3, 6-12;                  Ps 123: 1-2;                Mk 12: 18-27



The newly born Church was going through tough times because, on the one side Paul was in prison, and on the other, persecutions had increased against the community where Timothy was serving. In the first reading, we hear how Saint Paul tries to send to his spiritual son and dear collaborator words of hope. Timothy seems to have been very timid and did not enjoy good health (cf. 1Tm 5:23). But that did not stop Paul from reminding him to make his contribution to the spread of the Gospel through his sufferings (1:8).

Paul in the previous verse had urged Timothy to revive the gift he had received through the laying of the hands, that is, the Holy Spirit, who made him a priest for the service of the Christian community. The spirit of fortitude gave him the courage of testimony even in the face of persecution. Timothy, empowered with the strength of this Spirit of God, is called to bear the same sufferings that Paul endures in favour of spreading the Gospel. Both Paul and Timothy were called to this ministry not on the merit of their works but because of the sheer grace of God. Now they cannot shy away from the task bestowed on them because of suffering.

According to Paul, the first and fundamental reason for courage must be found in the “grace” of his presbyterial ordination received “through the imposition of hands.” In this sacramental way, the “power of God” had interiorly “strengthened” Timothy and he could not “be ashamed” to bear testimony to Christ and nor be ashamed of Paul’s imprisonment, but felt ready “to suffer together” with the Apostle and the other confessors of the faith.

We Christians participate in the ‘priesthood’ of Christ through the sacrament of Baptism and are called upon to bear witness to his word with the same fortitude and zeal.

Response: To you, O Lord, have I lifted up my eyes.

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