13th JULY 2024



Is 6: 1-8                      Ps 93: 1-2, 5               Mt 10: 24-33




The central theme of God’s reassuring love for us, throughout scripture, challenges us to cast out all fear, doubt, guilt and second-guessing ourselves. Right from Noah to Moses, to the prophets, God has qualified everyone who He called unto His mission. He wanted to give power to them through His deep instruction and intimate relationship with them, as He wants to do for us today. The meaning of empower is “to authorize, or to enable or permit.” When you are empowered, you are enabled or permitted to do that which your ministry or role requires of you.


Why did the disciples choose to follow Jesus, despite the risk of persecution? It is because they believed in the price of salvation. It is the experience of God’s love and the promise of an eternity with Him that is worth every human suffering. Will this cause us to do the same today? Does salvation matter to us as much? It is a question we need to ask ourselves, because unless the cause matters to us, we will not be willing to do anything, much less lay down our lives.


Often, Satan will mock us by throwing our inabilities, sinfulness, untruths and infidelity in our face. Paying heed to his threats can set us back by days, months and even years in the work that God has commissioned for us. Today Jesus says, God watches even over the sparrow, whose worth was lesser than a Roman penny. How much more does God hold you and me – precious and worthy, close to his heart?


Jesus reminds us of His position in the kingdom of His Father. He asks us to acknowledge our position as His followers. He wishes to empower us with the wisdom and understanding that we will never be above Him, but we surely can be like Him. Let us assimilate his promise that when we testify to His glory on earth, He too will affirm us before God.


Response: The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed.

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