1 Jn 4: 7-10 Ps 72: 1-4, 7-8 Mk 6: 34-44
The core theme of John’s writings is undoubtedly love and fellowship. Often described as “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” reveals that love is the foundation of our Christian life. This “Son of Thunder”, experienced a profound change after responding to Jesus’ command to follow him. John beautifully presents the love he received. This love, which is divine and unconditional, forms the foundation for our ability to love one another. God demonstrated His love by sending His Son into the world so that we might have life through Him (1 Jn 4:10). In contrast, the love promoted by the world is primarily a fleeting feeling. Unfortunately, this superficial definition of love has led to broken marriages, fractured families, and relationship struggles. True love, as revealed by God, is not about fleeting emotions but sacrificial giving.
Pope Francis beautifully captures this essence of self-giving love in his words: “Rivers do not drink their own water; Trees do not eat their own fruit; The sun does not shine for itself, and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is the rule of nature (and of God). We are all born to help one another, no matter how difficult it is.” Christ exemplified this sacrificial love by dying on the cross so that we might have abundant life. What more could we, as followers of Christ, desire? It is only when we are consumed by the love of Jesus on the Cross that we can truly love one another. Only then can we, like Jesus in today’s Gospel, move with compassion and foster authentic fellowship with others. We are a chosen generation, and the sole purpose of our existence is to radiate this divine love. If we strive to live by this love, we will undoubtedly make the world a better place. Let us not waste time searching for the “perfect” person to love us. Instead, let us become that person ourselves. And thus we can proudly proclaim that we, too, are disciples whom Jesus loves.
Response: All nations on earth shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord.
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