7th JUNE 2024

The Most Sacred Heart. A Homily on the Solemnity of the Most… | by Rev. Mr.  Matthew Newsome | Test Everything





Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8-9;                Is 12: 2-6          Eph 3: 8-12, 14-19;            Jn 19: 31-37



‘Hosea’ is composed of two unequal sections. God recalls three successive moments in the divine relationship with Israel; First God’s love for Israel is expressed in images of paternal and maternal tenderness. Second the inevitable suffering of Israel because of its own decisions and finally the divine anguish that carries on a debate between justice and tenderness and finally opts for mercy. God’s deliberation is situated within the perplexing question of doubt of a parent who ought to judge a beloved and yet rebellious son.

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is the celebration of the love of our God. God who loved us so much, gave His only Son as an offering for humankind. The word heart means the “love “of a person. For the Jews, Sabbath was a day of great solemnity. A crucified person who was simply bound to the cross could take several days to die. They now sought to have the death of the crucified men, hastened in the normal way by having their legs smashed with a heavy metal instrument. When the soldiers were in the process of carrying out Pilate’s instructions, Jesus appeared to them to be already dead, so one of them, to make sure, pierced His side with a spear.

The beloved Disciple witnessed that from Jesus’ side flowed blood and water… and the miracle happened. The hour of glory has come, and the Spirit is poured out over the world. The words of Scripture, “Not one of His bones will be broken”, are fulfilled. John sees the fact that the soldiers did not break Jesus’ legs, as another sign of Jesus’ redemptive mission as “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” God will pour out upon all mankind, a spirit of compassion and a fountain shall be opened to cleanse them from sin.

The spear thrust into Jesus’ side, like the rod with which Moses struck the rock (Num 20:11), is a symbol, of the varied ways in which we reject God’s offer of life and love, and how God responds with love. As water poured from the rock to quench the people’s thirst, so the water from the Heart of Jesus gives life to the world. For John, the water is a symbol for the spirit promised by the Baptist and by Jesus Himself. We recall Jesus’ words on the feast of booths. “Let anyone who is thirsty come to Me, and let the one who believes in Me drink. Out of His heart shall flow rivers of living water.”

There will be different reactions. Some will refuse to accept His forgiveness or to receive His Spirit. Others like the beloved disciple, will be drawn to the son of the Man who has been lifted up and believing in Him, will have eternal life. The beloved disciple, standing with Mary near the Cross saw the water flowing from His pierced Heart. Let us draw water joyfully from the springs that will well up to eternal life. With the water came blood. The price of our redemption was costly. Nothing less than Jesus’ complete gift of Himself, could persuade us of His love. In giving us the Spirit, it is His own life of communion with the Father, that He is pouring out upon us.

A spiritual communion is a fervent desire to receive our Lord and be united to Him. We may thus receive Him and enjoy His presence in a spiritual manner without actually receiving Holy Communion to the great advantage and welfare of our souls. He imparts great graces to those who receive Him in Holy Communion. He is none the less generous with those who receive Him in desire. For the more ardent our desires, the more ample is the grace imparted in a spiritual Communion. Jesus said, “come to Me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Those who earnestly desire to eat that super-substantial Bread are as truly nourished by it as if they actually partook of that sacred food. The Heart of Jesus longs to unite Himself to us in Holy Communion. Let us receive Him with love into our hearts.

Response: With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

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