Memorial of the Apostle Barnabas
Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3; Ps 98: 1-6; Mt 5: 13-16
The growth of the early Church happened on the day when the Church at Antioch sent Barnabas and Saul off on their first missionary journey. It was not just a worship but a beautiful encounter with the Living God. The Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them”, prophecy by the Holy Spirit is a vital message to the church revealing details of God’s will and purposes, it was not only a message for Barnabas and Saul, but It was a message for the whole church at large. Our worship is to be joyful; it should come from our heart and soul and not as an obligation.
Food is delicious when it tastes good, and one ingredient that enhances taste is Salt. Salt is a key ingredient of nearly all dishes. We may use expensive meat and herbs, but the salt which is from the sea will only enhance the beauty of that dish. We are like this salt when we live in the kingdom of God and are connected to God, we add taste to the people around us.
Salt also acts as a preservative to avoid rotting. The world today is filled with temptations of sin and evil. Jesus says we are like that preserving salt, to add goodness and to impart his principles and teaching in the lives of people.
The Light of the whole world will use us to connect to the life of people, for example visually disabled persons. Imagine their life in complete darkness unable to see and express their feelings. A helping hand from their family or dear ones makes a vast difference to their life. This helping hand becomes a light in their darkness. Also, the spark of learning and trying to fit in the normal social world.
The light within us is not of our own, but its Gods reflection. Prayer is the vital source of life which leads our dark path to HIS light, which enlightens our hearts and minds. God is our light and in him, there is no darkness.
Response: The Lord has shown his deliverance to the nations.
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