9th JUNE 2024

Saint Augustine Quote: “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is  humility that makes



Gn 3: 9-15;                 Ps 130: 1-8;                2 Cor 4: 13 — 5: 1;                 Mk 3: 20-35



In today’s Gospel, Jesus and his disciples were unable to even eat their meal. Yet He did not shut his doors to anyone who came to him in faith – Just like His Father, Jesus welcomed everyone and responded to everyone. This is a great inspiration for us to learn from Him, to welcome and be available to everyone no matter who they are, or how busy we are. Jesus was sent by God the Father to do good works, but the scribes spoke ill of him and said that he could cast out demons because he was in league with them. They did not know the fact that Jesus did it with authority – they did not like him, and they accused him falsely. There will always be that one person/group who will not like us, no matter how much good we do. Jesus, however, did not stop doing good and he teaches us to do the same – let us not stop doing good, just because certain people don’t like us.

“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels” (Saint Augustine). In the first reading, God makes his first move to counter sin by confronting Adam and Eve and demanding an explanation. He appears to them in the usual way in which they had seen him when he placed them in paradise, for he came to convince and humble them, not to amaze and terrify them. He came into the garden as one who was still willing to be familiar with them. But they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God. Before they had sinned, if they had heard the voice of the Lord God coming towards them, they would have run to meet him, but now, God had become a terror to them. Their own consciences accused them, and set their sin before them. In this fright they hid themselves among the bushes; having offended, they fled from God.

The startling question with which God pursued Adam, “Where are you?”, was not as if God did not know where he was; rather he was making Adam aware of the condition in which he was. Those of us who, by sin, have gone astray from God, should seriously consider where they are. This enquiry of Adam may be looked upon as a gracious pursuit, in kindness to him, and in order to bring about his recovery. If God had not called to him, to reclaim him, his condition would have been desperate; this lost sheep would have wandered endlessly, if the good Shepherd had not sought after him, to bring him back; and, in order to do that, reminded him where he was, where he should not be, and where he could not be either happy or at peace. If we realize as to where we are, we will not rest till we return to God.

The trembling answer which Adam gave to the question, “I heard your voice in the garden, but I was afraid”, shows that although he does not own his guilt, yet in effect he confesses it by owning his shame and fear. Adam was afraid, because he was naked. We have reason to be afraid of approaching God if we are not clothed and protected with the righteousness of Christ, for nothing but this will be the armour that will cover the shame of our nakedness.

In eating the forbidden fruit, by commiting sin, we have also offended a great and gracious God, broken a just and righteous law, violated a sacred and most solemn covenant, and wronged our own precious souls by forfeiting God’s favour. But finally, a gracious promise is made to all of us, of Christ, as the deliverer of fallen man from the power of Satan, a door of hope opened to us. No sooner was the wound formed; the remedy was provided and revealed.

God calls us and reclaims us, otherwise our condition would be desperate and we would be wandering endlessly. We should not wander aimlessly and definitely not rest until we return to God. Unlike Adam and Eve we must repent. All this is possible for those who trust the Lord unfailingly. Just like today’s second reading our faith should keep us from fainting. We have the same spirit of faith rising from the dead – the prospect of eternal life and happiness – there is expectation, desire and assurance after death in eternal happiness because we belong to Jesus’ family.

Response: With the Lord there is mercy, in him is plentiful redemption.

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