3rd JULY 2024

Today, July 3, We Celebrate St. Thomas, Apostle



Feast of the Apostle Thomas


Acts 10:24-35                         Ps 42:2-3–43:3-4                   Jn 20: 24-29



Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Thomas, the Apostle, famously known as the doubting Thomas. The first thing that comes to our mind as we celebrate his feast is his challenge of seeing the Risen Jesus. He might have had his reasons to doubt the resurrection of Jesus; whatever may be the reasons for his doubts, the very fact he saw the Risen Lord, he expressed his faith in the Risen Lord and accepted his Divinity saying, “My Lord and my God”. With this expression, he totally committed himself to proclaiming that Risen Jesus to the whole world and as it is believed he came to India.

Thomas is an example for us to evoke the desire within us to see and touch Jesus. Every day we are privileged to see and touch Jesus in the Eucharist. How do we make use of this opportunity and in fact how eager we are? Again we are privileged to see and touch Him in the Scripture and how often do we make use of this opportunity? Besides, we also have the privilege of seeing and touching Him in the sacrament of Penance. How much are we convinced of it? Saint Paul tells us that we are not strangers but members of the household of God because Jesus privileged us by his death and resurrection. How much are we aware of this exceptional privilege?

Thomas doubted, but that doubt made him strong and nothing could change him thereafter. Let us be aware of the exceptional privilege Jesus has offered to us and let us rise above all our human weakness and accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, and surrender our whole being to make Him known and loved. at least by all those who are around us. Jesus’ resurrection has given us a new hope in life that we are able to rise beyond our sinfulness, human weakness, and all kinds of selfishness. May the doubtful Thomas, intercede for us so that we may be able to embrace the Risen Lord every day of our lives.


Response: My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life.

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